Computational alternatives in participatory design: putting the t back in socio-technical research


  • Henrik Korsgaard
  • Clemens Nylandsted Klokmose
  • Susanne B?dker


This paper takes its starting point in a concern that Participatory Design (PD) and PD research have lost interest in innovating and reshaping technologies. We examine decades of projects and the current state of affairs and propose computational alternatives as a means of questioning the state of affairs and reintroducing a technical research interest into PD. Computational alternatives are used to systematically question the technological status quo and peak into a possible future; they are material manifestations of our focus and curiosity and can aid us in inquiring into possible socio-technical alternatives. Ultimately we focus on whether (and how) it is possible to maintain a technological research agenda in participatory and user-centered design, without giving up on pursuit of strong conceptual and theoretical insights.

Full text at ACM





SESSION: Long-term trajectories