Persuasive souvenir


  • Simon H. Muchinenyika
  • Oliver Weede
  • Hippolyte N. Muyingi


In this paper we describe our current Participatory Design work, specifically the designing and developing the Persuasive Souvenir, a system intended to motivate more people to visit cultural institutions like museums. RFID technology is used to track guests in the museum in order to identify the artifacts most interested to them by monitoring the duration of their stay in front of an artefact. A photo of a guest taken at the entry point will then be displayed on the screen with the artifact s/he was interested on. The displayed guest's photo with an artefact of interest connects the visitor with the environment. Other guests can tap on a 'like' button on the smart screen, thus demonstrating some social connectivity amongst guests.

Full text at ACM





SESSION: Short Papers, Industry Cases, Workshop Descriptions, Doctoral Consortium papers, and Keynote abstracts