Virtual welcome guide for interactive museums


  • Oliver Weede
  • Simon H. Muchinenyika
  • Hippolyte N. Muyingi


We describe a Virtual Welcome Guide (VWG) that interacts with the visitors of an exhibition. If the visitor enters the exhibition, the VWG, shown on a screen, welcomes the guest. The eyes of the VWG follow the guest. If the visitor leaves too fast, the VWG tells him/her to come back. If the visitor is interested in the artefacts shown at the exhibition the VWG indicates a gesture of approval. The purpose of the presented installation is to enhance the interest of visitors in exhibitions by feeling connected through an interactive design. A Kinect sensor is used for tracking the visitor. The visitors' position triggers predefined video sequences. Initial testing has revealed that the user feels naturally connected with the media actor.

Full text at ACM





SESSION: Short Papers, Industry Cases, Workshop Descriptions, Doctoral Consortium papers, and Keynote abstracts