Stepwise development of survivor confirmation system in Nagoya University and its analysis from participatory design


  • Shoji Kajita
  • Kenji Mase


This paper describes a survivor confirmation and management system developed at Nagoya University and its analysis based on Participatory Design (PD) among four stakeholders; top-level managers, disaster management specialists, ICT specialists and actual users. Nagoya University determined the following five points in performing survivor confirmation after a major disaster crisis: (1) getting credible information by user authentication, (2) high availability even after a major disaster crisis, (3) being provided by multiple access methods such as PCs and mobile phones, (4) having the capabilities to input, search, and summarize confirmation information, (5) informing our constituencies of the start of input. To attain these functionalities, we started implementing the system at the top of Nagoya University's institutional Web portal architecture, and we have been step-wisely implementing it through actual disaster drills (three times so far since October 2006) with the participation of the above four stakeholders. Based on this experience, we discuss a PD framework for ICT services in a large research university.

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