Instant card technique: how and why to apply in user-centered design


  • Elke Beck
  • Marianna Obrist
  • Regina Bernhaupt
  • Manfred Tscheligi


Involving users in scenario development within participatory design is challenging as it places users at the same level with designers. In our research we stated a need for a structured scenario development process, which is suitable for various research areas. Following the tradition of card-based techniques, we aimed at developing a technique, which is easy to apply and modify. The "Instant Card Technique" (IC-Technique) presented in this paper offers a typology of instant cards, which enables a formalized development of scenarios together with a group of users. The technique was tested and improved through its evaluation in three case studies. In this paper we provide a description of this technique, including the step by step preparation and usage process.

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Methods II