Systems As Intermediaries: Political Framework of Design & Participation


  • Johannes G?rtner
  • Ina Wagner


Participative Design, Arenas for Participation, Industrial Relations, Political Frameworks of Design, Culture and Systems Design


Drawing upon material from two case-studies in Gennany and Austria, we analyse the political and cultural regimes into which design and participation are embedded. Three arenas for participation are distinguished: Designing work - designing systems; Designing organisational frameworks for action; Designing the industrial relations context. Our case analysis focuses on the evolving network of actors and intennediaries who in various ways contribute to work and systems design; on the influence of the political culture and the legal framework on how legitimate agenda are created and the arenas for action are defined; and on the relations between systems design and other agenda (such as organisational development, collective bargaining). Our case studies point at the limitations to participation in fragmented political cultures.






Paper Session II: Power relations: Structures and dynamics